суббота, 29 октября 2011 г.

Erectile Dysfunction Dangers - Impotence Sign of Heart Failure

Are you a younger male suffering from erectile online pharmacy viagra? If so, you could be at risk of heart disease later in life (or sooner).

The Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota conducted a study of 1,400 men in their 40s who were suffering impotence (erectile dysfunction). The results were frightening.

Having ED isn't just about not being able to perform sexually. The study found that some 80% of the participants were likely to develop heart disease over the next 10 years.

It appears there's a common link between impotence and coronary heart disease (CAD). 

Basically, erectile dysfunction happens because the blood flow to the penis is impaired in some way. The problem is with the arteries. While the blockage in this case is the smaller vessels, it's roving evident that over time the coronary arteries become blocked as well.

And the younger you are, the higher your likelihood for developing CAD from impotence is.

"The highest risk for coronary heart disease was in younger men," said Dr. Jennifer St. Sauver, Mayo Clinic researcher. 

1 комментарий:

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